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Planning on Replacing Your Heater This Year?

Delivering Quality Comfort to the Homes and Businesses of Hartford County and New Haven County

If so, then you know that there are a lot of factors to consider. We want to ensure that you make the right choices so that you are 100% satisfied with your heating replacement in West Hartford, CT. Here are a few matters to keep in mind.

Why Are You Replacing Your Heater?

If you are planning on investing in a new heating system, then you probably have good reason for doing so. After all, none of us just spend our hard-earned money on new heaters just for fun. Before you go replacing your heater, though, really stop and think about your reasons for doing so.

For many, this will be due to a subpar heating performance, or even a total breakdown. If you were always happy with your heater, then replacing a broken down system with a similar model is fine. However, if you are replacing your heater because you were never a fan of its operation, then you are going to have to do some research to ensure your satisfaction with your replacement system. Even if you are forced into a replacement due to a breakdown, take the opportunity to carefully weigh the pros and cons of the system that you are replacing.

What Are You Hoping For with Your New Heater?

In the most basic sense, you just want your heater to heat your home. If you are planning a heating replacement, though, you should take the time to look beyond this basic operation. What do you hope for from your new heater?

One great benefit of replacing one's heating system is the opportunity to invest in efficiency. If you are replacing your heater, pay close attention to the efficiency of the systems that you are considering. For boilers and furnaces, this is denoted with an AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency) rating. With heat pumps, the HSPF (heating season performance factor) rates the heating efficiency.

You may also just want to get a different sort of performance out of your new heater. If so, today's heating offerings certainly have much to offer. From furnaces and boilers to heat pumps, ductless, and high velocity systems, there is something for everyone. Working with a trained professional is the only way in which to ensure that you get the ideal heater for your needs and user preferences.

Schedule your heating replacement with us. Live more comfortably, choose Dynamic Mechanical.

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